Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 61 in the NICU- October 29, 2012

Avery had a good day today. Only one apnea so far and no bradys as of this afternoon. They decreased the settings on her cpap so now she is even closer to switching to a nasal cannula. I can't wait for her to get the cpap off. She is going to love feeling so free. They stopped giving her the EPO injections. They said her red blood count is good. Her weight remained at 3lbs 4 oz.

My cheeks are getting big but my arms are still little!
Holding Mommy's finger
Holding Mommy's hand

1 comment:

  1. Sue & Tim - this is wonderful news! It's also great hearing that she is getting closer to moving to a regular crib as well. Prayers continue...hugs to all of you!

