Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 56 in the NICU- October 24, 2012

Avery had a lot of exciting things happen recently. Someone is now 3 pounds! She was 3 pounds 1 oz tonight. She is doing well on her cpap. Her feedings were changed to every 3 hours. She also had another eye exam today. They said her eyes are still premature (which they expected) and she will have another eye exam in 2 weeks. She got a bath for the first time yesterday. Today was the first day she got to wear clothes. I came in and saw her in the outfit below!
I'm good at color coordinating. My outfit matches my hair color.
After hands on, I put on my party dress. It's actually a shirt but was so long, they decided I didn't need pants.


  1. Avery, you look so adorable in clothes! LOVE the dress ;)
    You are one lucky girl to have so many people rooting for you! Keep growing! 3 pounds... Wow!

  2. Hi! You don't know me, but my husband was in the Marines with Cheryl Eck's husband. I've been following your blog daily since she posted a link to it. It's one of the first things I do in the morning. I am so happy that Avery has been having a lot of good days. My family and I will continue to pray for Avery. In addition, we will continue to pray for strength for you and your family. God Bless!

    1. Thanks for checking out the blog and for the prayers. We appreciate it!
