Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 100 in the NICU- December 7, 2012

I can't believe it has been 100 days since Avery was born. At times, it seems like it was just yesterday. Avery had her MRI today. She was sedated a little bit because she was too active. She did not get a chance to be bottle fed today because she was too sleepy from the sedation. The MRI was normal! We are so excited. We have been worried about her brain (cerebellum in particular) since I was 20 weeks pregnant and they told us it was measuring a few weeks behind the rest of her body. The neonatologist said everything looked normal in size and development. The pediatric neurologist that we saw back in August will review her MRI and give his input. Avery was very sleepy up until about a half hour before we left. Then she was WIDE awake. We took a lot of pictures so I am just going to post them. Avery is too tired to come up with captions tonight :-)

1 comment:

  1. Best pictures ever!!! She is so cute and you guys are such a beautiful family :)

    Im so glad her mri came back normal. Amen.

    I hope you get that last picture framed and put it in avery's nursey. It is the perfect family picture.

    - Jen Marks
