Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 103 in the NICU- December 10, 2012

Avery had a good day today. She took 10ml and 11ml from the bottle. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit today. Avery is now 5lbs 9oz. The hospital called us and suggested we make an appointment for a tour of the rehab center. I have a feeling that Avery is going to be transferred there pretty soon.

Grandma came to visit me today and she told me everything is going to be alright.

I got to hang out in a swing last night for the first time. I look ticked off but I had a good time.
I am laying so snug and peaceful.
 I am looking mighty chunky today!

1 comment:

  1. you see a resemblance between how I was holding Avery and how mom is holding her? I just find it amusing. Anyway...we're excited that she had such a wonderful day...and that she's being exposed to new things - like the swing. I was showing Betty at work and she was so excited and amazed by how good she's looking. She said "she looks like a normal baby now...not like she's sickly like when she was born." It's amazing the difference not having the nasal canula any longer makes in the perception people have of her. Betty is excited for you guys and we all hope and pray things continue to improve. God bless & hugs to all 3 of you!
    Terri, Brian, and girls.
