Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 111 in the NICU- December 18, 2012

What a great day! Avery did so well with feeding. I am thinking (and hoping) that it finally clicked for her. Tim fed her today and she took 50ml..yes fifty..five oh! Tim was so excited and happy that he started crying. The physical therapist was so excited she got the nurse, the nurse was so excited, she went and got other nurses who have taken care of Avery in the past. She did AMAZING today. She then proceeding to take 30ml and 45ml later in the day. We were so excited for her. We hope she will continue to do well. Tomorrow she will get her RSV shot. I am sorry but I was having a problem with this website. I am not able to post pics anymore but will defintely post some tomoo


  1. Hurray Avery! She is doing amazing! Can't wait to wake up and read she is going home! Still cheering for you all and so is Avery's newest December friend, Ryah! What a beautiful, chubby little girl she is! Love seeing the pictures!
    Happy holidays from Toronto!

  2. Thanks so much Heather. Welcome to the world Ryah!!
    Happy Holidays to you too!
