Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 131 in the NICU- January 7, 2013

Tim and I had to watch a video on SIDS and car seat safety today. They are most likely going to do the car seat test tonight and take Avery's stitches out tomorrow. She is almost ready to come home. We are so excited.

I went shopping at Target for one thing yesterday and came home with a bunch of stuff for Avery. For some reason that always happens to me when I go to Target.  I bought a Dr Brown's bottle which is supposed to help with gas, burping and colic. We are going to eventually be trying every kind of bottle that is out there, including one for goats. Tim and I are going to get Avery to drink from a bottle no matter what. My goal is to get her to enjoy drinking formula from a bottle in one month. Notice I didn't say her whole bottle at all feeding times. Right now, I am focused on having her not hate it like she does now.

I also got her a new formula, Alimentum, which we will be trying when she comes home. Its supposed to help with food allergies and colic. I, of course, had a coupon. I wanted to try that kind because when I did a search for "The best formula for babies with severe reflux" that was one of the most popular choices.

Another purchase I made was the Snugamonkey Rocker/Sleeper. It's super cute and it has a good incline to keep her somewhat upright when sleeping. On the box it said babies can sleep in this the whole night. We figured we could have her sleep in there for a little while next to our bed. It is also really simple to fold up, light weight, and would be great to take to grandma and grampa's house when they babysit.

Mommy and Daddy got a massage when they visited me tonight. The hospital offers the service to parents and babies in the NICU.

Mommy and Daddy look thrilled to be watching the SIDS and Car Seat Safety videos

 I was so comfy in Daddy's arms tonight

 I also got to listen to sounds of birds chirping and waves crashing. That is what that thing is above my head.

This is what I will be sleeping in when I come home.

Look at the incline. I need to sit up like that because of my reflux.

Mommy posted this picture on facebook and a lot of people said they liked it :-)

1 comment:

  1. So excited for Avery! Just a little note.. We have used alimentum due to dairy allergies and my kids ha anway hated the taste of it far more than other formulas! I actually tasted it and it's quite harsh. Avery may not mind it, but just as a "heads up" in case she won't drink it and you are wondering why!
    Can't wait to hear she is home with her mommy and daddy! Beat wishes!
