Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 14 at Home- January 23, 2013

We had the appointment with Infant Nutrition at Shaker Rehab on Tuesday. They seem to think her crying is just colic, though they didn't see us tube feed her. The physical therapist tried feeding Avery and she cried during most of it. She ended up taking 10ml which is what she takes on average for Tim and I. The dietitian said we can stay on the Gerber Good Starts Soothe for the full week. If we don't see an improvement, she recommends we go back to Neosure. Main campus had us making her formula 22 calorie and the dietitian recommended making it 27 calorie. Avery is gaining weight but not as much as they would like (probably because she was crying constantly and using up calories). We have a follow up appointment in two weeks.

When Tim and I left that appointment, the first thing we did was look up home remedies for colic. Tim's friend recommended something called gripe water. (Thank you Sam!!) We bought some on Tuesday and after Avery cried for over an hour and a half we decided to give it a try. We gave her less than the recommended dose for her corrected age and in less than 4 minutes, she was a completely different baby. It was AMAZING! I highly recommend it to anyone whose baby constantly cries. Tim and I both tasted it just to see what it was like. It just tasted a little sweet.  We used it last night around 7pm and then around 12:30 and both times Avery stopped crying. She has been okay today and only cried when she was hungry or pooped out of her diaper all the way up her back. (Thank you mom for cleaning up her outfit).

Avery took 29ml for me from the bottle tonight. That is the most she has taken since she has been home. I was quite proud of her! The home care nurse is coming tomorrow morning for a weight check.   I will update again on Sunday, unless something amazing happens like Avery takes a whole bottle :-)

This is me waiting patiently for my Nutrition appointment on Tuesday
I love this stuff (and so do Mommy and Daddy!)

I need to learn to keep the pacifier in my mouth so Mommy and Daddy don't have to hold it for me all the time.

The other day I was eating lunch while watching Scarlett on the couch. (Mommy couldn't get both of us in the picture so Scarlett's head is cut off)

Sleeping so peacefully

Hi guys!

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