Wednesday, January 9, 2013

We are Home!! (Day 133 in the NICU- January 9, 2013)

After a few hiccups (nothing ever goes smoothly for us), we are home! The feeding pump that was ordered for us didn't work. Luckily, we tried it out last night at home. I thought maybe it needed to charge for some reason so we tried it again this morning and it still didn't work. Cleveland Clinic Home Care thankfully delivered one to our house, even before we made it home from the hospital. Avery got to meet the dogs. They seem to be really good around her so far. Avery still cries almost her whole feeding. We feel so bad for her. She is getting Zantac(switched from Pepcid because it's much cheaper) twice a day but I don't know how much it helps her. She still has really bad reflux, hence the crying during her feeds.  We did try out the new Dr Browns bottle and she really seems to like it. She took 13 and 15ml from it and she just started using it since we have been home. We gave Avery a bath and I was holding her in the towel afterwards. I felt something warm, hoping it was just water from her. Nope, I ended up getting peed on.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed at all of the appointments Avery has coming up. A nurse from Home Care is coming out tomorrow, then we have a pediatrician appointment on Friday. We also have appointments with the Feeding clinic at Shaker rehab (which consists of a dietician, nurse practioner and PT/OT), a follow up with the surgeon, an appointment with pediatric neurology, an appointment with the plastic surgeon (Dr Doumit) who will eventually be performing the cleft palate surgery, an appointment with genetics(whenever a baby is born with a birth defect, such as cleft palate, they are set up with a genetics appointment) and a follow up appointment with neonatologist, Jen Peterson.

Don't be mad if I don't post tomorrow. I will try to but if not, I definitely will every few days.

They turned my monitor off! Almost ready to go home

No wires!....No Mommy and Daddy didn't dress me in this huge outfit. The nicu did for some reason.

My pretty blue eyes

 I look so little in the car seat

Getting ready to go

 Family photo before leaving

I am super cute and ready to go home after 133 days in the hospital

Riding in the car. (Mommy wanted me to tell you don't worry, we were stopped at a light)

Meeting my new brother and sister

Scarlett is checking me out

Now it's Chewie's turn

 Now they both are checking me out

Chewie is already trying to protect me

Grandma and Grandpa came to see me. They only live 4 streets away so I hope to see them a lot

Family photo

Getting a bath

 I made an oopsie on Mommy...probably the first of many


  1. Sue & Tim...LOVE THIS POST!!! Isn't it wonderful that you got "oopsied" on at home? Love the family photo. And the photo where you commented "No wires!" and about the size of the outfit looks like she's dancing - she's so excited to be coming home! LOVE this!

    Love, Terri, Brian & girls.

  2. Congratulations, Sue and Tim! I am so happy for all three of you! I have been thinking and praying for you a lot lately. I am sad to not see your friendly faces anymore but I am so happy that your hospital life is in the past! Your story is so inspirational and is encouraging to me. You both are such wonderful and strong parents.
    Lauren & Mikey

  3. Thank you so much. We hope you are doing well!!
    We definitely are happy to be hope and don't miss the nicu!
