Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 132 in the NICU- January 8, 2013

Avery is coming home tomorrow! We came home today to find our house decorated by my sister and my niece. It is very cute. We have so much stuff to do. We are feeling very overwhelmed already. We have to clean and get everything put away, find some place to put all of her feeding tube supplies, take the Snugamonkey sleeper back that I just got from Target and is now being recalled (just our luck!), figure out what she is going to be sleeping in since it needs to be on an incline, put the car seat base in our car, get my FMLA paperwork signed and faxed and probably do a million other things before we pick her up tomorrow. I am going to start that huge list of stuff to do. The next time I post, Avery will FINALLY be home after 132 days in the NICU.

This is me during my feeding. This is how I always am when getting fed. I do not like it.

I was falling asleep as Mommy and Daddy were leaving tonight.

Aunt Janet and Kaitlin, my cousin, decorated my house and door for when I come home tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I thought the recall said items in stores now are okay but I would understand not wanting to risk it.
