Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 125 in the NICU- January 1, 2013

Well, Avery finally got moved to Main Campus last night around 8:30. The critical care transport team came, put her in an incubator and strapped her down, loaded her into an ambulance and off they went. Avery is now in her new home downtown. Since they don't have private rooms, Avery has 3 neighbors in the same room as her. We were definitely a little spoiled at Hillcrest. Everything was newer since that wing of the hospital was only 2 years old, we had a private room, there was space to sleep or even sit by her, etc. We also didn't have to pay for parking at Hillcrest, thank God. I don't know what we would have done had we had to pay for parking everyday for the past 4 months.

Avery is having her feeding tube surgery tomorrow. We don't know what time it is at yet. They said they are going to try to do it endoscopically and if they can't, they will make an incision in her belly. They said she will be intubated for the surgery. During recovery, it's common for babies to need to be put back on breathing assistance such as cpap or nasal cannula (I feel like we just finally got off of breathing assistance and now we are going to get back on something!!) The doctor said not to worry if it happens. It's not a step backward, it's just part of the recovery process. The nurses at Hillcrest originally told us recovery and training (to show us how to use the tube and clean it) will take about 10-14 days total. I asked the doctor when he came in (because I am sneaky and wanted to see if he would give us a different answer) and of course he gave me a politically correct answer by saying all babies are different and she will heal on her own time. They also told us that when babies have surgery, they typically have apneas and bradys for a few days afterwards and not to worry about it.

We were told Avery is going to be getting a Mic-Key button type of feeding tube. It's nice because it doesn't really stick out of her like a normal feeding tube would. You can read about that type of tube here:

This was me on my last day at Hillcrest

Look outside my door, that's my ride. They are taking my vitals before putting me in the incubator.

 This is the critical care transport team placing me in the incubator. They had to strap me down in case we hit some bumps in the road..otherwise I would go flying.

Here is Mommy, Daddy and I. Don't let them fool you, they were very scared for me to be transported.

There it is..Room 22, where I spent the first 4 months of my life.

Main Campus. This is my second home and where I will stay until I finally get sent home for good! I can't wait.

This was Daddy holding me this afternoon.

This is a picture of me looking adorable.

This is a picture of my shared room at Main Campus. 

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