Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 21 at Home- January 30, 2013

Avery is 5 months old today!
It's hard to believe that Avery is 5 months old already(corrected age almost 2 months) and that she has been home for 3 weeks now. I enjoy each day more and more because she seems to cry less and less :-)
 We had Help Me Grow come out today to assess her. Patty from Help Me Grow says they just changed the way they do assessments and don't take corrected age into account anymore. (Corrected age is the age she would be had she been born on/near her due date). So they are assessing her like a "normal" 5 month old. She observed her and did a few tests like ringing a bell to see if Avery was startled. Avery does not get startled. I think listening to alarms and all the commotion for 132 days in the NICU has caused her to tune out any noises..which is good because she can sleep through our dogs barking constantly. She is pretty much behind in every aspect of development. The one thing she was good at is looking at you and listening to you when you talk to her. Tim got up a few times during the assessment and her eyes would follow him walking out of the room. Looking at the bright side of things, by her being behind in everything, we qualify for pretty much whatever services we are interested in.
We think we would benefit from Occupational Therapy and a dietitian to help with the feeding concerns. I asked if it matters that I could get OT through my insurance and she said no. She said I can go through Help Me Grow, the Cleveland Clinic or both. We decided we are interested in whatever services we could get because it's free (I have to pay a copay every time I go see someone with the Cleveland Clinic and if it's at Main Campus we would have to pay for parking) and we don't even have to leave our house which is a bonus since everyone is talking about what a horrible flu season it is this year. Plus trying to coordinate going to appointments with her feeding schedule is rough. It's not like we could just bring a bottle with us to appointments. We would have to lug around her feeding pump and supplies and then find some place to plug it in for an hour. 
The Home Care nurse is coming on Friday for another weight check.
Mommy and I smiling for the camera...oh wait, I don't really smile that much yet. I do kind of look like a bad ass in this picture

Daddy holding me

I took a nap in my crib for about an hour the other day

Mommy tried to get a picture of my pouty face. My lower lip sticks out a lot when I am pouty. She will get a better pic of this because I make this face all the time

Grandma S came to see me today
Mommy and I took a nap on the couch today

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