Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 10 in the NICU- September 8, 2012

Good news! The medicine and prayers seemed to work. The PDA (hole in blood vessel in heart) has closed up! We are hoping it doesn't reopen, but so far, so good. No more Oscillator for now either. She is on a different ventilator. They are going to see how she does and might extubate her tomorrow or the next day. I am hoping they won't extubate her prematurely again because it's hard on her.

Check out my little (or should I say big) feet with the blood pressure cuff
Here is a picture from my "Hands On" today where they check my temp, change my diaper and make me look all neat and pretty.
Grandma and Grandpa bought me a decoration for my room. One day I hope to be that big.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God, the hole closed! She looks like she's grown and put on a little weight in the last week...have they weighed and measured her again? We're so extremely happy that she's doing so well! Of course, the prayers continue!
