Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 24 in the NICU- September 22, 2012

Avery is still not having a great day. They decided to take the nasal cannula/nava vent off and put her on a special cpap machine called a SiPap. It will be easier to breathe out for her because air isn't being forced in all the time. They put the cpap on her about an hour ago and she seems to be doing much better. No bradys while we were here since they put the cpap on. She is also up to 9mL of breast milk now. No kangarooing today :-(
This is a picture of me and my new mask.
 So far I seem to like it even though it makes me look funny.
This is a picture of the cpap/sipap machine I am hooked up to


  1. Sue, Tim & Avery, we're so sorry to hear the last couple days haven't been good ones. We continue to pray and ask for strength for all of you and growth and health for Avery. Does the type of breathing system help determine whether you can kangaroo or not? We love you all! God Bless!


  2. Dear Sue and Tim
    I know and feel your disappointment and anxiety. That is why it is so important to have this support group. On the down days just reflect on all the encouragement and prayers you and Avery are continually receiving. Hopefully this will pick your spirits up! Tomorrow will be a better day.

    Aunt Peggy
