Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 20 in the NICU- September 18, 2012

Avery is now getting 7mL of breast milk every 2 hours. I am sad that they didn't weigh her when we were there tonight. She needed to get suctioned out because she had a lot of junk in her throat. They probably spent about 15 minutes suctioning and retaping all of her tubes/wires. The nurse said they will weigh her at 2am so I will have an update on her weight tomorrow.

I did not want my picture taken this morning when mommy came to visit me

This is a picture of the PICC line in my arm.
Percutaneously inserted central catheters (PICC lines), are long, thin, plastic tubes that travel from a vein in an arm or leg into one of the large veins near the heart. In premature infants, they are used to deliver fluids or medications. I used to have lines in my belly button but now that I am older, I have this instead.

1 comment:

  1. Sue these are all such informative and cute comments. I love how you write some of it from your point of view...and then some from Avery's. She's precious...and I'm so excited that she's putting on weight finally! It's also so wonderful that they keep increasing her milk each day. God is good! We'll of course keep the prayers going. With love,
