Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 21 in the NICU- September 19, 2012

Tim and I went up to the hospital this morning to visit Avery but weren't able to go this evening. We ended up calling up to the hospital for an update. She is still on 7ml of milk every two hours and she hasn't had any aspirates. Aspirates are when they withdraw milk from her stomach that she hasn't digested. The process is usually aided by use of a syringe or a suction device. A few days ago they gave Avery 3 ml of milk and two hours later pulled back 2.5 ml from her stomach which means she was having trouble digesting it. She has been handling 7ml like a champ. She is now up to 730 grams which is about 1 pound, 10 oz.
I did not want anyone touching my Picc line today so I was holding it.
I like to sleep in weird positions. I typically have my hands on my shoulders for some reason.
Yep, I'm weird! :-)


  1. Hi,Sue & Tim and AVERY.
    Everyone is following your story. Sue, you are doing a great job of logging Avery's progress and informing all of us of the medical terms that we would not understand. Aren't the medical people great!! Hang in there.Many are reading your blog, but Iguess some are having problems logging into the necessary to post a comment. They comment, though, what they've read.

    Our prayers continue, Mom Svitak

    1. Thank you so much! When I first created this, I just picked a random blog site. I didn't know people would need a certain type of account to post comments

  2. Hi Sue,
    I hope you don't think I'm crazy but I saw your story on the what t expect page and check for daily updates on Avery. As the mom of 2 little boys, I cannot come close to imagining what you and your husband are going through. Your story is incredibly inspiring to me, although I imagine you are both so emotionally drained. Although we've never met, I wanted you to know that Avery has someone (in Ontario) thinking about her and hoping she gets home and into your arms soon. She is just adorable (love that hair!) and although it's such a tough time for all of you, it is so worth it. It's amazing how much these little people change everything about our lives in an instant. Here cheering you all on...

    1. Thanks so much Heather! I am really happy you emailed me. That is so nice of you and thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate all of the support. It really means a lot because there is no way my husband and I would be able to do this on our own. Are you currently expecting too or were you just looking on the WTE site?

  3. I'm due December 19 with number 3! My first girl, and praying she stays in there awhile longer. Hang in there! Must be so tough being back at work, but Avery is in the second best place she can be right now, and looks almost as comfy as if she was still inside! Love seeing your updates and will keep watching for them!

  4. Sue,
    What a great blog. I have been checking everyday for updates! We are praying for Avery every morning at my school so every morning around 8:15 over 700 children are sending prayers of strength and love your way. You are Tim are amazing parents. Thanks for sharing your adventure!! Take care. Melissa

  5. Great knowledge, do anyone mind merely reference back to it flu medicine
