Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 28 in the NICU- September 26, 2012

Avery had a rough night with a couple of Bradys and she threw up once. After she threw up, she did very well the rest of the night and morning. Throughout the day, she had about six Brady's. Her red blood cell count has been dropping so they have been giving her EPO (erythropoietin) injections in her thigh. This medication is supposed to aid in production of red blood cells. If it doesn't work, she will need another blood transfusion.

I am so excited that we finally got to kangaroo tonight. She had one Brady right when they put her on me and then two more 10 minutes later. She then did great for the rest of the time we hung out.

Mommy and Daddy both told me that I look bigger today
Mommy was so happy she got to hold me..and I was happy about it too
I look a little bit like an elephant in the cpap mask

1 comment:

  1. Hi Avery!

    You are the cutest baby elephant I have ever seen! We love you. Keep fighting brave little girl! Hugs and prayers for all of you!

    With love,

    PS - Sue & Tim - I might have to nickname Avery Ellie due to the post above... :-)
