Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 32 in the NICU- September 30, 2012

Avery is one month old today!
We received a call last night from 440-312-3202 and I got freaked out. I knew that was Hillcrest's phone number and no one has ever called us from there before. I answered and the doctor said not to be alarmed, he was just calling because he thinks Avery had an infection and was going to start on antibiotics. She gets the medicine through a line in her arm.
They changed Avery's feeding schedule. She is now going to get continuous feedings, instead of 10ml every two hours. She will get 5ml over a one hour time span but it will be slow and constant and then when it's gone, they will start all over again. Tonight she weighed 810 grams or 1 pound 12 oz!

This is the new line in my arm that I get my antibiotics from
I was kangarooing with Mommy today and had my eyes open for a little bit.
Here is a picture of my pretty hair and the line in my arm

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